Wednesday, November 30, 2011

rollin' rollin' rollin'....

yes, that's right! Weston is now semi-mobile!! watch out world! in the last couple weeks, whenever I put him on his tummy, he's been able to roll himself over to his back (usually freaking himself out). But this past weekend when we were visiting the Ohio Conrads for Thanksgiving, he rolled from his back to his tummy!

and once he did it....he would not stop rolling! :o) and so intentionally, too. We will be working on crawling in the next month!

we had such a great time seeing the whole Conrad clan this past weekend.

Josiah and I were a little worried about how Weston would travel...he hasn't been loving car rides recently, so we were anticipating hours of screaming and stopping the car every hour. BUT, our little boy surprised us! He was such a great traveler. We left Lancaster at about 4am (after getting a few hours of sleep), and arrived in Marysville, OH around noon....where the cousins were waiting, and so excited, to see little Weston (and Josiah and I too a little). He loved watching and playing with his cousins!! especially know, boys gotta stick together....

thanks to Grams for the collage!

We had such a great Thanksgiving. Truly so many things to be thankful for...not just in November, but all throughout the year.

Friday, November 11, 2011

Doc's Appt!

Yes, Weston had his 4-month Doctor's appointment yesterday.....4 MONTHS!! I can hardly believe it. My baby boy is growing so fast, and we are loving every moment and every new thing he discovers and learns.

Here are his stats:
height - 25 inches (50%)
weight - 16 pounds! (75%)

He also had 3 shots, which he did not appreciate at all. He was entertaining both the doctor and the nurse with cooing and laughing...until the needle sticks, there were lots of tears after that :o( The doctor was also very impressed with his upper body strength! (he had been lifting his head since just a couple weeks old!)

Gramma recently got an excersaucer for Weston, and this week was his first playtime in his new toy. he wasn't too sure at first....

but after a couple minutes of watching Mommy play, he seemed to enjoy all the new things to look at and make noise with...

 Next up....rolling over! It's gonna happen any day now...  :o)

Sunday, November 6, 2011


Today was a special day for the Conrad family!

We participated in Family Dedication at our church. So we, along with 6 other families, trotted our little man onto the stage and pledged that we would raise Weston to know, love, and follow Jesus. It is our deepest desire that Weston would one day choose to acknowledge Jesus as his Savior and live a life that points others towards an eternity in heaven.
Grandma & Grandpa Schleinkofer came to visit for the weekend to be at family dedication, and after church, we all (along with Aunt Pearl & Uncle Matt) went to lunch. Weston has so much fun entertaining the Grandparents!

This past Thursday, Weston & I went for a nice long walk and stopped by the playground for Weston's first ride on the swings!! While he was still a bit small for the seat, he was smiling and seemed to enjoy most of the swing ride, I promise...except of course when Mommy tried to snap a picture....

In other news, Weston has recently found his feet! :o) He found his hands a couple weeks ago and has been intentionally reaching for everything around him that looks interesting. But just within the past day or two, his eye caught sight of those funny things at the end of his legs....feet and TOES! He hasn't quite connected his toes to his mouth yet, but I don't think that will be far off.

He has also been enjoying eating his rice cereal...and sitting up in his Bumbo while we are feeding him.

I can't seem to get the food to his mouth fast enough! soon as the spoon leaves his lips, he makes a noise that clearly says, "I need MORE!!" After only a few days of experience with "real" food, he recognizes that when the spoon is in front of his face, he needs to OPEN, and food will be inserted. My mom says that he is early in recognizing this important skill...not sure...maybe I'll have to look at one of my baby books for that. But he IS pretty smart :o)

Can't believe how fast he's growing and learning new things. We take him for his 4 month doctor's appointment this Thursday, and we're very excited to get all his stats! We're guessing at least 16 pounds & 25 inches long!!